Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pets and Common Household Poisons

Pets and Common Household Poisons

Consult your vet immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested poison. Be prepared to provide as much information as you can, such as what type of poison it was, how much your pet ingested, and when it happened. Follow your vet's instructions carefully.

Common poisons include:

Human medication, such as aspirin or Tylenol.
Antifreeze (windshield wiper fluid). The taste appeals to dogs and cats - but a even a small amount can be fatal!
Household cleansers - oven cleaners, floor cleansers, furniture polish, etc.
Rat and mouse poisons.
Gardening supplies - weed killers, insecticides, slug bait, etc.
Paint and paint solvents.
Plants, both indoor and outdoor.
Animal stings or bites, ie. snake, bee.

For never been recalled, all natural pet food visit : www.allnaturalhealthypet.com

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